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    Patch do AoD !!

    We are currently working on the first patch (1.03)

    Speed increased in peacetime.
    Admiral AI now more active, expect to see more fierce naval powers.
    Beta Complete - Delivered to Pdx Q/A

    What we have collected so far is:

    Secial issues:
    New loader for steam customers - steam doesnt want links / commercials to external sites
    Fixed leader / tech images for impulse version.
    Parts of the Minor Graphics Mod (TeutonburgerW)
    Speed increased in peacetime.

    New features:
    Feature #607 - Shift-click in convoi menu
    Mission window now selects new target if province target is invalid (switching from area to province)
    Mission window now allows to select provinces from map - more restricted mode but still very neat.
    All scenarios now start with auto-assigned leaders at the start of campaign
    Added historical Brigade picture possibility for all brigades
    Even though its practically a bugfix: Flickering Gone
    Auto Promote leader - leaders in units now preferred for all types of units.

    Front AI: Solved the SuperStack issue
    Front AI: Now correctly understands the stacking penalities
    Front AI: Not as afraid of forts as it once was
    Auto Promote leader - leaders in units now also preferred for air and naval units.
    Parts of the Minor Graphics Mod (TeutonburgerW)
    Auto production now also takes current unit consumption into account when setting sliders.
    Auto production now reserves enough stock for units instead of fixed 2000
    Ships reduce supply drain when resuppying at port when country has too low supplies.
    (players who thought they could run a constant 500 supplies stock when their ships stock alone could stock 2000+ always got a nasty surprise before this)
    Admiral AI now more active - should give you more of a fight.

    Espionage Toned down quite a bit
    - Changed Espionage Calculations
    Naval Combat now more decicive
    Land Bombers vs Ships effect toned down a little
    Bug #757 - National Ideas re-balanced

    Typo in Australian Tech Team file
    Minor ;-error with Finnish Leader file.
    Bug #755 - Events target wrong tech teams
    Replaced ä/Ü/ß upper and lower case versions with corresponding ae/oe/ue
    Korea Scenario: Korea now correctly has military control over USA
    Bug #751: Kashmir's flag is broken
    Bug #750: India and Pakistan have their Historical Info text swapped
    Bug #749: Tooltip for building nuclear power plants is wrong
    Bug: Israel 1948 Scenario crash when event 6026 fires. (was a missing } in scenario file)

    Ships supply usage fixed when in port (before they used more stock in port than when at sea)
    Bug #331: Leaders can die Without Dying(until reload)
    Bug #765: Events can mistakenly impose "currently taking office" delay on ministers (minister replaced by himself gave delay)
    Bug #764:Assassinate Minister mission always targets Head of State/Government.
    Send Expeditionary force button - tooltip added
    Bug #768: Redeploying troops don't need salaries/affect daily decrease in manpower
    Bug #766: Forest penalty text shown when attacking a plains province
    Bug #768: Redeploying troops don't need salaries/affect daily decrease in manpower
    Bug #766: Divisions receive the forest penalty when attacking a plains province
    Bug #763: Revoltrisk in core provinces that were occupied by enemy
    Bug #761: Paratroopers lost after winning a battle if org < 50%
    Shared country Slider Fix
    Losses are now correctly being assigned to the division builders nation and not the current commanding nation.
    Bug #702: CVLs Show Without CAGs in the Statistics Ledger
    Bugfix: Civiwar Annex related CTD fixed
    Bug #687: Loss of Skill to Inactive Techteam Happens to Sleeping Teams
    Bug in 1944 Scenario: 5 provinces go to france from GER due to USA->FRA giving provinces
    Bug #748: CTD when clicking on the province buildings tab. (and no buildings availible)
    Bug #572 : Suez Crisis battle scenario does not end
    Bug #745 - Wrongly spelled Australian ships
    Bug #734 fixed. Statistics now display properly in German Version.
    Bug #740 - Foreign IC modifier is backwards for ideas and ministers
    Support #714 - Updated Display for Province/Area/Region
    Fixed trade Convoy exploit (rounding error)
    Fixed CTD when clicking on the detailed convoys list after reload but before 1 hour of gametime has elapsed.

    When will it be ready?
    When its ready!

    I jeszcze jedno :

    Originally Posted by Lennartos
    The patch should be out any day now, so just keep up the good spirit

    So instead of arguing about whether it should have been here a day or two earlier, here is some good news:

    I finished implementing a new logistical alghorithm
    I had found some papers on dynamic opdating alghorithms, but they didnt work out in the game, as they used way too much memory (i was up to 1.6GB of memory consumtion), so i have instead remade the original into a new totally integrated and optimized beast.
    The logistical calculations are now around 3-5 times faster than 1.02, that means good news for those with low end PCs, who actually could feel the calculations.

    some result tables from the game: (all times in ms, time 1 is old system and time 2 is new)
    Time 1: 10.786407
    Time 2: 2.211806

    Time 1: 40.291391
    Time 2: 5.427509

    Time 1: 25.637379
    Time 2: 6.887591

    Time 1: 55.196508
    Time 2: 7.301568

    Time 1: 0.676932
    Time 2:0.392716

    Źródło : http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/...462899&page=27

    Jeśli się nie myle to poważnie zabrali się za optymalizacje AoD aby gra tak nie muliła. Zmieniają też logistykę bo ona zamulała. Jeśli gra naprawdę wyraźnie przyspieszy AoD przebije wszystko czyli HOI II dd/aa. Gram w AoD i jestem obecnie w 43 USA, gra bardzo muli ale już sobie nie wyobrażam gry nie na AOD, zmiany bardzo przydatne przez co bardzo ciekawie się gra. Tylko ta szybkość :(

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